Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My New E-Book is Published in Amazon - The Enterprise Lean Business System!

My new book is available and I would appreciate any reviews!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pre Determined Time Systems and Lean

Lean Manufacturing, Motion Economy and Pre-Determined Time Systems is now available in the Amazon Marketplace for electronic download. This report discusses how the analysis of motions developed 100 years ago for estimating job times can be used to find kaizen improvements. It's only $1.35 for now, because it's just published and I want to obtain some reviews from qualified Industrial Engineers and lean practitioners.

Please note...nothing in this book promotes getting away from the Gemba. On the contrary, it's just a method of better understanding current conditions through understanding principles of motion economy. It's also NOT about setting time standards. It's about using proven techniques for eliminating specific types of waste.